TappedIn was created as a digital series focused on sharing knowledge, resources, & processes to help creatives tap into their creative gifts & abilities, build and maneuver within a network, & lead the industry. After virtual success, TappedIn made its debut on stage at the 3rd Annual National Black Footwear Forum, where industry leaders mapped their professional journey backward and identified the learnings and transferable skills that they’re implementing in their current positions.
TappedIn is a space to meet creatives where they are & help them evolve as they go. Hosted by industry leaders and professionals within multiple industries, TappedIn’s mission is to help people tap into their gifts, resources, and lessons while demystifying unconventional career pathways and unconventional career navigation.
Role: Program Development + Creative Direction
Host: Dion Walcott (Martk'd)
Panelists: Gary Thaniel (Ebay), DeLayna Adkinson (Puma), Sarah Waston (Ford), Chuck Young (The Athlete's Foot)
Photography: Full View Productions
Video: AVL Creative
Other Works
PLC Detroit
What if we create an Hbcu Focused on design?
Black Footwear Forum
what if we challenge the industry to work together?
What if we tap into transferable skills through unconventional pathways?
What if we can only become what we see?
What if we hack into the industry?
Threaded by PLC
What if we create an educational design hub for the community?
What if we believe?
HBCU Professor Summit
What if we create opportunities for industry learning?